September 30, 2015 -

Daily Archives: September 30, 2015

Sep 30

September 30, 2015, TGIW: Unhumping Hump Day…Getting Bigger

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

“You become what you think about most of the time.” –Brian Tracy

We’ve all heard that you are what you eat, that our income will be the average of the five people we hang out with most, and that we become what we think about.

I’m not a nutritionist, nor a financial advisor, and yet I do think a lot.

The question I ask myself is whether I’m most focused on controlling and managing what’s happening in the moment — as if there will ever be a time when things are “handled” and orderly — or whether I’m thinking outside of this current box to the next level of becoming.

It’s been said that the level of responsibility we choose to operate from determines the size of the games we get to play. A focus on paying the rent is a necessary level of responsibility, and yet that focus doesn’t get us playing at the level of transforming society.

Yet, when choosing to have an impact on or about society, sometimes and somehow the rent just gets paid.

I tell my career transition clients that someone with a mission or a vision is way more attractive than someone who needs a job.

There will be problems. That’s just life. Yet, if the size of the problems you choose to engage in determines your bandwidth, what problems will you pick…and how will you design your work/home/life environments to call for you to become the solution?

Got size enhancement?

“You say I dream too big. I say you think too small.” –Author Unknown
