“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”- Alan Watts
When you want to change something,
which is the basis of all New Years resolutions, you’ve called for chaos to enter your life.
To create a different result than what you’ve had in the past (aka change), you have to do things differently and think differently.
So, guess what? You’d better expect an undefined period ahead of you in which you’ll be fumbling and bumbling (as you do things differently) and feeling schizophrenic (as you think differently).
Another word for that is: chaos. And, we all know that change/chaos doesn’t happen/end overnight.
So, in the midst of chaos, what can you do to lessen the stress? Simply remember that life is a miracle.
When you allow yourself to appreciate, believe in and even count on the miraculous, your face loosens up, your demeanor relaxes, and you might even crack a smile or a giggle.
A more enjoyable dance of progress comes in holding both intentions simultaneously:
1. Today, I’ll invite the chaos that comes with the changes I’m committed to, while
2. Today, I’ll remember that life is a miracle where anything is possible.
Care to dance?
There are a few moves I can share to best enjoy your time on the dance floor. Schedule a free 15min chat, or go here for a menu of everything from career to business to life-purpose support services.
Got change dance?
“Ego says ‘Once everything falls into place, I’ll feel peace.’ Spirit says ‘Find your peace, then everything will fall into place.'”- Marianne Williamson
DARRELL W. GURNEY, Executive/ Career Coach and 20-year recruiting veteran, supports people at all levels to make fulfilling and profitable career transitions. His first book, Headhunters Revealed! Career Secrets for Choosing and Using Professional Recruiters, was winner of the Clarion Award for Best Book by the Association for Women in Communications and was reviewed in Publishers Weekly. His newest book, Never Apply for a Job Again: Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest, has been endorsed by bestselling thought leaders such as Harvey Mackay, Keith Ferrazzi, and Dr. Ivan Misner. A personal and business brand strategist, Darrell’s Stealth Method of networking has helped folks expand their reach within both careers and new client circles. He speaks, leads workshops, and is a media expert on subjects such as recruiting, networking, and finding one’s passion. He was recently named Networking Expert for BeyondB-School.com and offers webinars and programs that get MBA students and working professionals out, connected, and landed.
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