Find a Perfect Career by Locating Your Uniquely Personal Sweet Spot
You’re here for this one life only one time. If you’re someone who believes you come back again, that’s all great—but heck, why not make the most of this pass!
Never give up your career management efforts until you have arrived at your “sweet spot”: that place in which your talents, skills and abilities merge with your passions and interests and directly intersect with what the market will buy. And, even when you do, that sweet spot is forever changing as we are forever changing and growing as human beings… so stay alert, aware, and active in continually calibrating for the merger of all three.
Sometimes we have to accept that we have only two merged circles, as when we’re doing something we don’t love simply for the money, or we’re doing something we’re good at and love but the lights are getting shut off. That’s a part of life.
But whether we have to do a B-job, C-job, or D-job until we can merge our circles, the challenge, as Winston Churchill said in a speech at the Harrow School in England, is that we must “Never give in — never, never, never, never!” until we are seated in our sweet spot of purposeful fulfillment. It’s why we came here!