"March Forth" Career Campaign Creation Course - CareerGuy.com

“March Forth” Career Campaign Creation Course

Make Life-Altering Career Connections to Move Forward Powerfully

Land Your DreamJobLife, Gain Clients or Start A Business.
This Proven 4-Session Webinar Can Show You How!

Starts March 4

Enjoy an easy 4-session project to marry your passions with your skills.
“March Forth” into your dreams!
Through systematic networking with folks in your fields of dreams,
you can create your own Dream Job Life!

Darrell Gurney, veteran recruiter and career strategist, can support you to have the confidence, strategy, and connections to take your career to exciting new levels or into completely new directions.

And this “March Forth” Special Offer is available for a limited time!

I’m Darrell Gurney and, in a minute, I’m going to tell you a simple but profound secret that can shift the direction of your career in amazing ways…and give you a “March Forth” Special Offer to help direct or relaunch your career toward what matters most: your dreams! But right now I want to ask you a few simple questions:

  • Are you right now doing the kind of work you really want to do?
  • If you’re unemployed, are you meeting the right people in the right positions of influence to open doors?
  • If you’re an entrepreneur or in a business development role, are you getting exposed to thought leaders, industry experts or potential clientele to create the deals, joint ventures and/or completely new businesses that you form?
  • Do you have all the time in the world to discover your passions and move your career forward?

If you answered “No” to any of the above, keep reading. If you answered “Yes”, keep reading too…because if you’re that successful you ALWAYS want to learn new techniques and methods to be even more successful!


Proven Tips, Tools and Tactics to Make Connections that Create Opportunities for You

There was a point when I answered “No” to the above questions. But I learned something that changed all that.

I was new in town and knew nobody. But what I learned had me, within 2 months, meeting with the Chief Financial Officers of the Top 7 Entertainment Studios in Hollywood (in their private offices) and landing a corporate role with MGM/United Artists without Human Resources even knowing my name.

Since then, throughout my career as an executive recruiter and then career coach, I’ve taught this method to…

Sales Professionals Administrative Staff Chief Marketing Officers
Attorneys Non-Profit Executives Directors of Security
Harvard MDs Engineers Hollywood Production Executives
Chief Information Officers Directors of Manufacturing Human Resource Managers


…and even relatively new college grads…because it’s UNIVERSAL in its impact and success!

And the best part is this: it’s all spelled out in my recent book, Never Apply for a Job Again: Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest, outlining 25 years of experience helping folks connect to opportunities…and you can get it for FREE if you act immediately.

Watch this short video to understand why I wrote
Never Apply for a Job Again: Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest

Never Apply for a Job Again: Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest

Foreword by Dr. Ivan R. Misner, Founder of BNI; Endorsed by Harvey Mackay, Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive; Keith Ferrazzi, Never Eat Alone; Joyce Lain Kennedy, Tribune Media; T. Harv Eker, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind; Dave Logan, Tribal Leadership; Penelope Trunk, The Brazen Careerist; Mark Goulston, Just Listen; Joe Sweeney, Networking is a Contact Sport; Paula Fellingham, Women’s Information Network; Berny Dohrmann, CEOSpace Inc.; Lt. Col. “Waldo” Waldman, Never Fly Solo; Jim Cathcart, Relationship Selling; Greg S. Reid, Napoleon Hill’s Road to Riches and many more…

The problem with a book, even a great book,
is that it’s not HANDS-ON experience…and
it takes forever to get through it!

If you’re like me, you start a great book and you get into it and then life happens, interruptions, distractions, and the momentum of what you’re learning gets slowed down to a crawl.  You WANT to keep it all together and use it right away, but you start to forget pieces and often the whole effort gets dropped…because it just drags on.

That’s why I created this course: so in just 4 sessions over 3 weeks you can “March Forth” with a fully developed career campaign that has you making connections this Spring instantly…connections that can open the door to your dream job, gain a great new client, or create joint ventures and partnerships for your business.

I hear you saying “So, Darrell, what is a career campaign anyhow?”

It’s exactly this (and here’s the profound secret I mentioned I would tell you earlier):

It’s you getting out to know and get known (and liked) by people with the influence and authority to offer jobs, business or partnerships without you ever bringing up your need for jobs, business or partnerships. That’s why it’s called a “STEALTH” interview campaign!

But it’s not a trick or deceptive…it’s just a simple mindset and easy-to-implement system and techniques that have you benefit from some basic elements of human psychology.  Here’s a few of them:

►  People like to help people. Yep, underneath and behind all the busy-ness and stress of people’s working life, if you know how to make it easy for them to help you, they will.

►  People like to win…and don’t want to lose. So approaching them for something they for sure CAN help you with will get you more meetings than for something they’re unsure about.

►  People have egos. And the wonderful thing about that is, when you know how to work this fact to your advantage, they’ll open their door for you.

►  People like to talk about themselves and what they’re passionate about. Therefore, your ability to listen and be interestED rather than interestING will get you in their good graces.

►  People are drawn to caring about others’ welfare over time. This means you can nurture and develop long-lasting relationships from scratch if you can meet people in a systematic way and stay top of mind.

But you WON’T meet people if you’re out pounding on the world for a job or new client out of your neediness!! Instead of neediness, you need a method, a strategy, and a well constructed PLAN for getting in front of people.

Here’s an email I received recently from someone using this method:

From: Darci O.
To: Darrell W. Gurney
Subject: Great research interview today!

Hi Darrell,

Today I interviewed a senior financial advisor (and CFO) for [confidential], where a good friend of mine works – and it was a great interview – he told me alot of interesting things regarding my questions, and SURE ENOUGH, he automatically asked me if I wanted to talk to their CEO and COO, as they have interesting perspectives as well.

So that will be set up shortly and I’m still over the moon about all this.

He also asked me if I was looking for a job, so I casually alluded to being available (not desperate though!).  Then he remembered that a gal who was VP of Production at [confidential] just departed the company after 15 years. He didn’t know anyone directly, but gave me the name of the manager over there – so we’re probably talking about an unadvertised job at this point.

He also had a good look at my resume and said it looked great.

We really jived – but my friend knew we would because she’s known him a long while and he’s an inspired, networky type.

Anyway, I’m amazed!

When I leave these backdoor interviews I feel sooo good – there’s something highly worthwhile at play here (something dynamic).

Also, I feel when I interview with HR tomorrow at [confidential] where that other amazing backdoor connection happened last week, that I’m not nervous in the least – because I feel like i’m out there interviewing all over already…and I feel completely prepared!  Thanks for this – it is the gift of self-esteem and self-worth in job search! 😀

All the best,




How Often Do You Find Yourself Saying “I Wish I Knew Some Way to Get in That Field” or “If Only Someone Would Open a Door for Me”?

This course can provide the way…and the someone. Hear what Tami, a self-employed entrepreneur, has to say about engaging in this program:


So, what do you get in 4 sessions over 3 weeks?  You cover all of the questions, exercises and principles outlined in Never Apply for a Job Again. You find your own answers and understanding in a supportive environment such that you leave the course activated on all of it, with your plan in hand and meeting game-face on. You’re even literally in action out talking to people in your areas of passionate interests using this method before the course ends…all within 3 weeks!

Here’s the schedule:


Session #1 – Tuesday, March 4, 5pm-7pm PST

  Breaking through “The Rules to Start Breaking”

Don’t Talk to Strangers

Mind Your Own Business

Wait Your Turn

Play Fair

Don’t Speak Until Spoken To

Don’t Toot Your Own Horn

Don’t Bother People

Don’t Stand Out

Stick With One Thing

Don’t Be Pushy

Avoid Rejection at All Costs

Do Things the “Right” Way

Don’t Ask for Favors

Important People Don’t Have Time for Me

Follow the Proper Channels

  Learning “The Evolution of a Hire”…which applies to business owners as well

  Understanding “The 4M Method of Career Management”…and how to implement it in your life

  Exploring the Trough of Transition…and how to let go and move on to your next greatest career.

Even this first session can have you create enormous career breakthroughs. Here’s another email I received recently from someone who had just heard me covering “The Rules to Start Breaking” that morning in a presentation:

From: Eric N.
To: darrell@careerguy.com
Subject: RE: Execunet Meeting Follow-up


Thanks again for your presentation this morning, and the nudge worked.  I took it to heart an hour later: I had an opportunity to strike up a conversation with an incredibly successful businessman I met in OC and it turned into a 2 hour “chat” with follow up planned!  Really an amazing opportunity that I almost missed, and I have you to thank.  You just never know …  I’d be honored to stay connected with you and will be pointing folks your way.


I’m blessed with emails like these all the time…and both of the above were within 24 hours!


Session #2 – Tuesday, March 11, 5pm-7pm PST

  Activating the first 3 Principles of “10 Time-Tested Principles for Launching an Effective Stealth Campaign”

Principle #1: The Best Way to Get a Job is Don’t Be Looking for One

Principle #2: An Ounce of Research is Worth a Pound of Job Search

Principle #3: A Question-Able Person Creates Enthusiastic Relationships (this one is JAMMED with lots of insightful and probing exercises to get you absolutely clear on your passion and direction)


Session #3 – Tuesday, March 18, 5pm-7pm PST

  Activating the next 5 Principles of “10 Time-Tested Principles for Launching an Effective Stealth Campaign”

Principle #4: You Can Never Have Too Much Information, and the Higher the Altitude, the Better

Principle #5: A Friend in Need Doth Repulsion Breed

Principle #6: Call Me Expert, I’ll Open My Door

Principle #7: Eyes to Eyes Gets You the Prize

Principle #8: Building Relationship Equity…One Meeting at a Time

And then setting you up to go out and conduct your first 3 stealth meetings in the next week!


Session #4 – Tuesday, March 25, 5pm-7pm PST

  Sharing, feedback and coaching on stealth meetings conducted

  Activating the final 2 Principles of “10 Time-Tested Principles for Launching an Effective Stealth Campaign”

Principle #9: Top of Mind is Easy to Find

Principle #10: Treat Yourself Like a Business to Stay in Business

And then setting you up in mastermind Dream Teams to support one another in your campaigns!

You’ll get more value than your tuition simply from the goodies that will come from the networking you’ll do during the 3 weeks of the course!

And, speaking of tuition, because 1) now is always the BEST TIME to make a fresh start in your career dreams, and 2) I want you to capitalize on the spirit of Spring and “March Forth” into the natural generosity and life it brings, I’m going to make a “March Forth” Special Offer that’s simple and affordable so you have every reason to get this knowledge that will dramatically shift your career prospects NOW, not later.

For the “March Forth” Special Offer, I’m giving you a special opportunity to grab a seat for yourself through Sunday, February 23, for a literal giveaway (when you consider the bonuses).

On Sunday, February 23, the tuition goes up because I want to fill the seats early for planning purposes (so I’m giving you incentives NOW) as well as to honor those who decide early to grab the available spots. So, I’d register quickly…to get all that you’ll see below!


$297 to Grab a Seat
(“March Forth” Special Offer,
by 11:59pm PST 2/23/14)

To grab a seat for  for only $297,
register NOW.


Wait, is there a zero missing? Is that figure a typo? No there isn’t, and no it isn’t.

That’s the tuition for the first Early-Bird-savvy folks who see this as the incredible chance it is to learn a proven method (endorsed by some heavy hitter thought leaders) that will have connections, relationships, and opportunities pouring in to you as you “March Forth” into Spring.

Not to drag on about it, but that’s less than my hourly rate ($300) to work with you personally…yet you get 8 full hours with me over 3 weeks and a supportive group and team structure (a Dream Job Life “Dream Team”) to last beyond the course!

Matter of fact, I hope that so handles your ability to attend that I’m going to stop right here so you can get signed up…except for several extraordinary bonuses that start to fall off the longer you wait to register (so I’d move fast). The bonuses alone are worth half the tuition!


Bonus #1) My new ebook, “Finding the S Spot: Career Pleasure Secrets for Merging Skills, Play & Pay” (Value: $20)so you can get REALLY clear about the direction you want to take your career, which will make your experience in this 4-session course even more effective and fulfilling.

“Every so often along comes a book that feels more like a conversation with an old friend. It seems to know you, it asks all the right questions and at the end it holds up a mirror showing an insightful reflection. Finding the S Spot is that book! The questions keep coming, the sequence makes a lot of sense, the advice is priceless and the result is unexpected. It is well worth the read and the time invested. I enjoyed and I am sure you will as well.”—Alex Marinescu, MBA, Sales Manager/General Manager

“All of us are searching for our career sweet spot, but rarely know how to do it. Darrell gives you the tools and road map to find the optimal career and to do it on your own terms. For anyone wanting to better their life and follow their calling, this is required reading–whether you’re just entering the working world or retiring and beginning a second career.”—Joe Platnick, Partner, Venture Capital Firm

Finding the S Spot playfully suggests insightful and clever ways of determining your next career move. As someone recently leaving undergrad, I would not have thought rigorously about my physical environment, for example, nor would I have united multiple job descriptins to create a new one of my own. Finding the S Spot is a useful tool on the path toward satisfying employment.”—Camille Bridges, New Grad and Management Consultant

“I really think it’s brilliant how Darrell packed so much empowerment in such a few pages! I can’t think of anyone who would ready this book and not have it make a profound difference in how they look at their choices in life, especially pertaining to careers, and how they could not walk away feeling uplifted, re-energized, and inspired! BRAVO!! This will benefit so many people in so many ways, I will be shocked if this isn’t a bestseller.”—Rafe Leyva, Founder, InnerVision Marketing and Mastermind


Bonus #2) My award-winning book, “Headhunters Revealed! Career Secrets for Choosing and Using Professional Recruiters” (Value: $15)…because I want you to know how to make the best use of recruiters in these times where the right recruiter can be a Godsend (even though I’m going to teach you to be your own headhunter!)

Winner of the Clarion Award for Best Book
from the Association for Women in Communications

“Darrell W. Gurney’s friendly and concise Headhunters Revealed! Career Secrets™ for Choosing and Using Professional Recruiters is a welcome resource. With helpful checklists and bulleted summaries, Gurney explains in upbeat, chummy prose all there is to know about the recruitment process.”—Publishers Weekly

“Headhunters Revealed unlocks the secrets of finding a professional recruiter. Save yourself all the hassle of getting stuck with the wrong representation. Even if you aren’t in the midst of making a career change, it’s never too early to read this book.”—Mark Victor Hansen, Co-creator, #1 New York Times Best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, including Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work

“Executive Recruiters hold the key to the hidden job market. This straight-forward book shows you how to make this resource work for you.”—Wayne Cooper, CEO, Kennedy Information, publisher of The Directory of Executive Recruiters

“Headhunters Revealed is an excellent and much needed guide to tracking down and working successfully with recruiters when you are looking for new opportunities. Everyone tells you to connect with these professionals, but only Darrell tells you how.”—Margaret Riley Dikel, author of The Riley Guide and co-author, The Guide to Internet Job Searching

“Darrell’s expansive knowledge of the job search arena enables him to reach both the novice and experienced job seeker. The examples and illustrations are ‘on target’ with accepted career strategies. This book is a must read for unhappily employed and unemployed professionals at all levels.”—Howard Pardue, Fortune 500 HR Director and former Vice President/Managing Director of Right Management Consultants


Bonus #3)A full $50 Gift Certificate towards the upcoming 8-Week  Career Transformation Program starting April 1 (Value: $50)so that you can empower yourself even more with my popular and long-standing group webinar training program that gets you personally branded and even deeper into action and supported to “March Forth” into this Spring.




Bonus #4) The book upon which this course is based, “Never Apply for a Job Again: Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest”(Value $15)…because I want you to have read it through and be ready to hit the ground running to put it into action when the course begins.


“Never Apply for a Job Again elaborates on a secret I’ve preached for years: in a job search, the best way to get to work is to network. Darrell Gurney will help you open the back door to your next career move.”—Harvey Mackay, author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive

“Whether it’s building wealth through a job or your own business, Darrell Gurney shares how to connect with people through whom that abundance will flow.”—T. Harv Eker, Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

“Never Apply for a Job applies the basic truth of my own philosophy to your job search: relationships are the key. Whether it’s a job, a career change, or even an entrepreneurial venture, it’s the people who make anything possible for you. Anything!”—Keith Ferrazzi, co-author of the Bestselling Never Eat Alone

“Where there’s a way there’s a will.  Most people don’t lack the will to network, they lack the way. Once people find a way that makes sense, feels right and is doable even by those who are a tad network challenged, they’ll jump on it in a heartbeat. That is exactly what you should do with Never Apply for a Job Again: Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest.  Don’t leave home without it.”—Mark Goulston, author of the International Bestselling “Just Listen” Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone

“Never Apply for a Job Again applies tribal dynamics to communicate and get known. Future corporate leaders must have the ability to put ‘career tribes’ in place and start building teams even before they’re hired. This book shows you how.”—Dave Logan, New York Times #1 bestselling coauthor of Tribal Leadership and The Three Laws of Performance


Bonus #5) The Early-Bird “March Forth” Discount of $100 (Value: $100)because I want you to have no excuses for not investing in yourself given the enormous value this course provides, even without this early discount. The regular price, after all early-bird offers, will be $397. So, by taking advantage of the “March Forth” Special Offer NOW, you save a full $100 off of the already ridiculously low tuition!


Wait, have you added that up?? That is $200 simply in bonuses! That means, if you get in on the “March Forth” Special Offer NOW, while spots are available, you’re investing only $297 for $200 in bonuses PLUS getting a full 4-session 3-week course (8 full hours with me!) on a method that has altered people’s careers…and lives! That is a sheer giveaway!


(Note: The “personal branding” Lee talks about isn’t covered in these 2 days,
but it is in the 8-Week program you get a discount to – Bonus #3)

Course Registration and Bonus Details

Course Dates: March 4, 11, 18, and 25, 5pm – 7pm PST

Course Location: Your living room, kitchen table, or office…via GoToMeeting webinar. You’ll need to simply connect via the web and through your phone line (your long-distance charges apply).

Early-Bird “March Forth” Special Offer:

Register by midnight PST, Sunday, February 23, and get ALL Bonuses listed above (1 – 5).

Register within a week after that, by midnight PST, Sunday, March 2, and get Bonuses 3 – 5

(but the discount in #5 changes after February 23 to only $50, so the course will be $347).

Register after that, and get Bonus #4 only with the full-price tuition of $397 (still an incredible value for 8 hours of coaching over 3 weeks).

Register by clicking the “Add to Cart” button below.

[NOTE: All sessions will be recorded, in case you miss one. And, because the bonuses and discounts are significant, I’ll ask for a video testimonial from you during or after the course as part of the deal. Bonus books will be mailed and emailed within a few days of registration.  Because of the immense value being offered and bonuses being sent out, refunds are not possible except in the case of the guarantee below. If you must cancel after registration, you will, however, receive full credit (less bonus values) for any future products or services from CareerGuy.com.)

To grab one of the “March Forth” Special Offer seats for only $297,
register NOW.

We also accept


Serious About Wanting to Make Connections
to Get a Dream Job, Gain Clients,
Start a Business?

Here’s How to Get a Dream Job, Gain Clients or Start a Business!

Guaranteed… Or Your Money Back!

Regardless of this incredible deal and my personal time with you, if you attend all sessions and still say at the end of the two weeks that you didn’t get any value, not one nugget of wisdom or nudge to move you forward (I can’t imagine that), I’ll refund the investment that you made in yourself and your career.


Again, I’m making this very affordable to do my part to get you moving powerfully NOW. I expect the available spots to fill fast.

Here’s what some other course participants have said:

“What makes Darrell’s approach so great, is that it creates an opportunity for the job seeker to engage the executives in conversation on topics that are important to them.  This results in executive taking the interest in, and liking, the job seeker, leading in turn in the job seeker being ‘top of mind’ for opportunities that would otherwise not be available.”–Alexandra K., MBA, SPHR, Human Resources Manager

“I recently attended Darrell’s webinar and loved it. I was in a tough working transition feeling like I had hit a wall in my industry. In the course Darrell brought out some ideas that helped me think outside of the box..and I found Darrell to be very personable coaching you toward your life goals. It was an awakening for me, giving me a fresh start. Upon taking the workshop I took some steps that I once felt was too risky..and now (3) different doors and opportunity have opened up to me. I am so delighted and highly recommend Darrell’s webinar and book “Never Apply for a Job Again”. BIG thanks Darrell!”–Gloria D., PR/Events Manager

“Stealth Campaigns….. Backdoor Meetings!  Before your webinar I thought these terms were only used to describe espionage! Now I understand better that reconnaissance is indeed the KEY FACTOR in sales and finding work. I like the insight I got from realizing how I can easily gain access to high level executives by appealing to their egos and researching topics that will interest them. Armed with your insights, I can exponentially increase the visibility I have in my chosen field while creating win-win meetings as part of the process. This is a process-oriented endeavor, not a results-oriented approach. Clearly one leads to the other, but requires research as well as patience.  Your approach reminds me of the Road Less Traveled! Bravo!”–John D., Hollywood Producer/Director

There’s no better time to invest in your career than now!


Move Fast. Don’t Wait. “March Forth”!


Here’s to a huge Dream Job Life for you!


P.S. Did you know that  good people are always needed. Through the enormous wealth of contacts you can make through the backdoor rather than the front door (like everyone else), you will create huge opportunities to “March Forth” into this Spring! Plan NOW to get your campaign together through this program and you’ll be 10 steps ahead of your competition as you move into this hot season of hiring.  Many corporate fiscal years end in the summer. New corporate budgets = new hiring plans!

P.P.S. Remember the email from Darci above, about the way her stealth campaign was going? I received an update from her the very next day:

To: Darrell Gurney
Subject: follow-up

Guess what I came home to today? This email from my friend, who backdoored me into the meeting yesterday with the CFO.

Subject: research interviews

Darci –

I wanted to follow up with you regarding additional referrals for your research project.  Colby has reached out to both Gary, President and Bob, COO here at [confidential] and each has agreed to meet with you for 20 minutes to discuss your questions.  I am copying Beverly (Bob’s assistant) and Debbie (Gary’s assistant) as they can help coordinate separate meeting times.  I believe that both are busy up through Thanksgiving so it would have to be after the holiday.  No need to keep either Colby or myself on copy re the scheduling emails.

Thanks, and please let me know when you will be in our offices so I can make sure I’m around and available for a visit and/or lunch.

Take care,

Associate Vice President, Royalties

HOLY SMOKE!  This back door method thing is really gaining steam and acquiring a momentum all it’s own!

All the best,

