CEO in Shorts -

CEO in Shorts

Having a career includes your own entrepreneurial aspirations as well.

ceo in shortsSometimes folks have gotten to the point of finally wanting to pursue that dream they have kept tucked inside for so long. Perhaps given the opportunity cost is so low in terms of advancing further up the corporate ladder that you can no longer justify working for someone else?

Whether you’ve gotten your MBA, been in the business world as a corporate executive for years, or carry only that unique entrepreneurial spirit that traditional education can rarely teach, going at it on your own can be a whole new education in and of itself. And, for those who may have had their own business for a while, there’s often an urge to emerge as a bigger, more viable, and more expansive concern.

ceo in shortsCEOinShorts™ Coaching could provide a place to bring those dreams to fruition. This coaching is based on a 25-year-old, 5-times-a-year gathering of successful entrepreneurs, budding entrepreneurs, highly-experienced faculty (planning, strategy, marketing, capital-raising, sequencing, branding, etc.), and mentors and coaches who have helped take simple napkin ideas into multi-million dollar businesses.

I’ve personally taken my own ideas for expanding my business (through new books and entertainment ventures) to this gathering and not only received an education that my Summa Cum Laude degrees in Finance and International Business couldn’t touch upon, but mentorship and connections that have moved those projects forward at light speed. Out of these events, I landed my literary agent, who happens to be Eckart Tolle’s and Neale Donald Walsh’s agent!

My partners in sharing this program with both currently successful as well as aspiring entrepreneurs have worked in the leadership of this CEO-incubation organization for over 16+ years.

If you say you were referred by me, they will offer you a free consultation to see if this program is right for you.

Connect with me to connect you to them by filling out the contact section to the right.
