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Personal Career Review Strategy Session ($297)

This valuable 90-minute session is my first touchpoint with all new clients and will give us an opportunity to dig into your career history as well as your plans. At the conclusion of the session, I will personally walk you through written summary of What’s Working, What Needs Attention, and What Next Steps need to be considered in your career.

What’s Working: We want to cover this because, often when a person is considering a change, they are more focused on what is NOT working rather than what IS working. It’s important, if you’re going to go a new direction, to have an initial sense of what works about you, and perhaps even an inkling of that unique essence that you bring to everything you touch.

What Needs Attention: Next, we want to see what elements of your career and progress may be in your blind spot such that you can’t see the forest for the trees in your own situation. It’s natural, because we’re all to close to ourselves to see our own blind spots. I give you insight on what you can’t see for yourself.

Next Steps: Then I give you a detailed plan of actions to take to begin to move from where you are to where you want to be.

This session alone generates enormous insights for clients and is an incredible stand-alone value.

Register for Your Career Review Strategy Session Here

Want to begin exploring purpose even beyond your career?  

Download Birth of the Back Forty below:



Click here to download your copy of: Birth of The Back Forty 



And be sure to grab your Top Ten Tips for a Radical Second Half Here.
