Darrell Gurney, Author at CareerGuy.com - Page 8 of 46

All Posts by Darrell Gurney

About the Author

DARRELL W. GURNEY, Executive/ Career Coach and 20-year recruiting veteran, supports people at all levels to make fulfilling and profitable career transitions. His first book, Headhunters Revealed! Career Secrets for Choosing and Using Professional Recruiters, was winner of the Clarion Award for Best Book by the Association for Women in Communications and was reviewed in Publishers Weekly. His newest book, Never Apply for a Job Again: Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest, has been endorsed by bestselling thought leaders such as Harvey Mackay, Keith Ferrazzi, and Dr. Ivan Misner. A personal and business brand strategist, Darrell’s Stealth Method of networking has helped folks expand their reach within both careers and new client circles. He speaks, leads workshops, and is a media expert on subjects such as recruiting, networking, and finding one’s passion. He was recently named Networking Expert for BeyondB-School.com and offers webinars and programs that get MBA students and working professionals out, connected, and landed.

Jun 17

June 17, 2020 – JOLT – Auld Lang Syne… Again???

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

“How much you discipline your mind to step out of its routines and look into new ways of doing things that you haven’t yet adopted, is what will determine your economic potential.”
-Paul Zane Pilzer

Usually, the only time you hear the popular…

New Years song “Auld Lang Syne” is, well, at New Years.

However, in such unprecedented times, perhaps we can give ourselves the right to sing it now…before the second half of our 20/20 clarity year begins?

“Auld Lang Syne” was originally a Scottish poem that was later set to music. The phrase “auld lang syne” translates literally to “old long since” in English and means something akin to “times gone by.”

Whew!! Have we had some times gone by in less than 6 months! A whole slew of global crises and transformational movements have transpired in a flash and, literally, the world will not be the same from this point forward.

So, as a career professional and/or a business leader, will you keep trying to speak to your “audience” (hiring managers, customers, etc.) with old methods and approaches, or have you accepted that…

1) The world, as we knew it, is “times gone by,” and
2) The world that is now upon us requires a whole new mindset, methods and approaches?

If not, these next several months, years, and lifetime ahead will be hard and weighty, trying to hold onto a past with obsolete routines.

If yes, then let’s create together. In one sense, the opposite of being a Victim is being a Creator/Innovator. It’s a forward-focused and active perspective, vs a past-focused, bemoaning and wait-and-see perspective.

Look: whether you would have consciously chosen for all of these changes to happen in the first half of your 20/20 clarity year, they did, and what’s so is so.

So, duly inducted, the world welcome’s you to your Creator/Innovator curriculum! We’ve been waiting for you, and all that you have to offer at this time when we need it most!

P.S. I’ll have some ideas to support your Creator/Innovator spirit coming next week in a series of videos. Watch for them.

Need help in planning for your post-pandemic career, business or personal life? Schedule a session here. Crazy as it sounds, what if there’s actually forward movement possible for you out of all this? You likely won’t discern that on your own. I’m here to help you see what you don’t.

Got a creative and innovative spirit?

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
-Buckminster Fuller
Jun 10

June 10, 2020 – JOLT – A New and More Perfect Vision?

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

“A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power.”
-Brian Tracy

Thinking back on the popular 20/20 metaphor…

and memes used only 6 months ago to symbolize that this year, 2020, was to be about “clear and perfect vision”…you can only laugh.

So far we’ve had a plague catch us unawares and major societal issues come to the forefront…all in only the first half of the year!

So, one might say that 2020 has not necessarily been about the “clear and perfect vision” you expected in January.

Yet, if you’re willing to trust the process, what might be the “clear and perfect vision” beyond that initial one that all of this seeming chaos has afforded you?

How has the pandemic shifted your value system?

In what ways do you view your life, family, work, business, future differently?

What are you seeing in terms of the kind of society, country, world that you want to live in?

Perhaps what is necessary for a true “clear and perfect vision” to come about is actually taking place…though obviously not in the way you would have planned or wanted. Expectations: they always trip us up!

However, now, as you move forward into your second half of an already momentous year, ask yourself exactly how you could have the remainder of 2020 be an even greater life-shifter for you personally.

You’ve already endured much. And Winston Churchill said, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”

So, where can you now make room for a “clear and perfect vision” that you hadn’t expected to rise up in your consciousness and the direction your life takes from here on out?

I invite you to turn any hell of the last 6 months into a redeeming hallmark of your future.

To assist in that – after literally months of shelter-in-place work, I’m putting the finishing touches on my timely and much needed program, “Onward: A Working Model When Shift Happens.”

This thing has been a labor of love, but at times it has felt like giving birth. However, now that the finish line is in sight I could really use your help.

You see, I want to make sure that I’ve covered everything, but I’m a little too close to this project for the moment. Now that I’m almost finished, I’d like to get some feedback from you. This will only take you a few seconds. Can you go to this link and answer this one simple question?

Click Here

Need help in planning for your post-pandemic career, business or personal life? Schedule a session here. Crazy as it sounds, what if there’s actually forward movement possible for you out of all this? You likely won’t discern that on your own. I’m here to help you see what you don’t.

Got a new clear and perfect vision?

“People without clear vision are easily distracted, have a tendency to drift from one idea to another and often make foolish decisions that rob them of their dreams.”
-Andy Stanley
Jun 03

June 3, 2020 – JOLT – Challenging Your Connections This Summer: Want To Play?

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.”
-John Muir

Summer has traditionally been a time when…

I extol upon my clients and players that the world of connections and relationships to be developed in the next three months is endless.

Many of us have experienced the magic that happens when, simply by being open to connecting and conversing with the people around us in a natural, authentic way, we find out — like in “Undercover Boss” — that someone is far greater than the simple swim trunks, jeans or workout clothes they’re wearing.

Folks traditionally get out for recreational, explorational, or vacational activities more during the summer…and so the chance of rubbing elbows and connecting with someone special is always higher.

Like the holidays between Thanksgiving and New Years, summer is one of the two times of the year when the possibility of scoring a great contact by simply talking to people is the highest.

Admittedly, however, these are not traditional times…and rubbing elbows, or even elbow bumps, may be a bit anathema in a socially-distanced, pandemic-recovering world.

Nonetheless, the Human Spirit will always find a way to connect with itself, and today is no different. It’s just the ways and means by which those connections and relationships happen must be adapted to the times.

If you were in a reality show, and your challenge was to make 10 new career or business-related connections this week, and you’d win $100K by doing so, would you play? How would you play? What innovative ideas for connection would you create?

Coming Soon: Stay tuned for some ideas my HR-executive wife and I are designing to help you play up your career or business possibilities and connections this summer.

In the meantime, helps us help you by answering this: if you and I, or you and my wife, were zooming for virtual coffee, what couple questions would you have for us right now as you get out to play again?

This is the last time I’ll ask…and would love for you to hit “reply” right now and let me know your questions.

Need help in planning for your post-pandemic career, business or personal life? Schedule a session here. Crazy as it sounds, what if there’s actually forward movement possible for you out of all this? You likely won’t discern that on your own. I’m here to help you see what you don’t.

Got summer connection challenge?

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me lay an invincible summer.”
-Albert Camus
May 27

May 27, 2020 – JOLT – Your Power is in Your Questions: Ask, Ask, Ask.

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

“Life is an unanswered question, but let’s still believe in the dignity and importance of the question.”
-Tennessee Williams

The questions are big right now…

and it’s important to keep asking them.

Sure, we can bemoan and kvetch our hardships — and, for sure, there are many — or we can pointedly begin the slow and steady clean-up efforts.

No, the storm is far from over, but we need not wait until the last tree falls to begin our personal and group rebuilding.

A great rule of thumb in the world of personal development is to only complain to someone who can do something about it. And, way better than complain — which carries negativity — coming up with powerful and forward-moving questions creates more solution-focused unity and hope.

As we continue to form a group conscience about when, where and how our collective lives come together again economically, we all have our particular interest in the equation.

What are your questions, and who do you need to ask your questions of?

As a matter of fact, if you could sit down with me, career and business coach, for a cup of coffee right now, what two things would you most want to ask or get guidance on?

In addition, if you could sit down for coffee with my human resources executive wife, what two things would you most want to ask her?

This is an opportunity to begin your rebuild.

I’m really serious. Go ahead and push the reply button now and tell me your questions.

We’re planning something to help you in your personal (and the collective) rebuild and really appreciate your input.

I won’t always be able to answer individually, but plan to answer in a future email…so stay tuned.

Need help in planning for your post-pandemic career, business or personal life? Schedule a session here. Crazy as it sounds, what if there’s actually forward movement possible for you out of all this? You likely won’t discern that on your own. I’m here to help you see what you don’t.

Got pointed and powerful questions?

“I never learn anything talking. I only learn things when I ask questions.”
-Lou Holtz
May 20

May 20, 2020 – JOLT – You Are A Dancing Machine!

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

“I don’t know why it is, but I do like dancing in the extreme situations. I like that noise. I like that intensity. For some reason, it’s what I respond to in terms of my tastes and of my instincts.”
-Nicolas Cage

If there was ever a time to try some new moves…

this is it.

Growing up in the south, most of the men hung to the side of the room during the freestyle rock dancing…but they’d get up and going when a country two-step came on.

The message was that freestyle wasn’t “cool” but stiff and stoic was a safe space and mostly free of judgment.

Well, as you now go about dealing with what is next for you personally in your career, business, and post-pandemic (though not really yet) life, you might want to let yourself loosen up, shake new parts, and take different steps than you have in the past.

It’s truly time to let go of the idea that things will one day be “normal” again. And, just what if this whole chaos was just your supernatural way of getting you out of whatever rut you were in before and moving you on to some greater version of yourself?

You may not have thought you were in a rut…at least not on the conscious level. But what if something greater than your conscious level knew you were?

What would you do now?

Who would you be now?

What would you begin exploring now?

Hey, nice work giving yourself a kick in the seat of the pants! Looking back from August 31, 2020, tell me why you set this whole thing up and what you accomplished in that covert plan this summer.

If not me…at least tell yourself.

Got new dance moves?

“Dance first. Think later. It’s the natural order.”
-Samuel Beckett
May 13

May 13, 2020 – JOLT – Inventiveness… The Mother of Progress

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

“Inventiveness depends upon two habits of mind, which we can adopt and develop: attention and curiosity. Attention means paying attention…
Curiosity means just that. Endlessly curious. Endlessly asking questions. Endlessly wanting to know how, and why?”
-Richard N. Bolles

The quote above was from…

a friend and career guide to many, the late Richard Nelson Bolles, author of the long-running and best-selling career book of all time, What Color is Your Parachute?

I admired Richard and spent as much time with him as I could. He was first and foremost a minister (how he began his career) and brought that ministerial warmth to his work. Many were inspired by him, and some still aspire to channel him. Mea culpa!

I have the feeling that Richard would offer that this is a unique time for great “inventiveness” and, given the unemployement numbers and economic recovery prognoses we are hearing, this period of inventiveness will have no quick end.

And that’s good, yes? Who could ever have too much inventiveness?

What do I mean by inventiveness? Going beyond what you’ve known to do or done with your time, energy, attention, and curiosity.

Look, many of us hate change to some degree, and most would simply like things to “go back to normal.” Sadly, I hate to break it to you, but that just isn’t going to happen.

Any “new normal” will be replaced within weeks by another “new normal”…and they will continue for the foreseeable future.

So, rather than have your attention, hopes, dreams and energy focused on a “getting back to” state, how about cultivating a “moving on to” state instead?

Just a few random ways one might be inventive in these times:

–Start dressing up on a weekend night, prepare or order out a fine meal, and sit down in front of BroadwayHD.com and spend the evening “at the theatre”
–Sign up for an online course in an area you’ve always wanted to learn more about (but have been too busy in your regular gig), get trained, and maybe even get certified
–Research the thought leaders in the fields that fascinate you, do a bit of sleuth, behind-the-scenes digging, and find ways to reach out to them with a question or research (BTW, I have a great online program that teaches you how to do this!)

Either way, but in some ways, it’s time to turn your efforts toward moving into this brave new world bravely…and the sooner you start, the sooner you begin reaping the benefits of being a forward (vs reverse) thinker.

In a recent drive-time interview with the CBS affiliate here in LA, KNX NewsRadio, I offered a sobering thought on the next generation of behavioral interview questions that will arise out of this pandemic: “What did you do during the pandemic, [Careerist]?”

Click here to Listen

Need help in planning for your post-pandemic career, business or personal life? Schedule a session here. Crazy as it sounds, what if there’s actually forward movement possible for you out of all this? You likely won’t discern that on your own. I’m here to help you see what you don’t.

Got inventiveness?

“Inventiveness can set you off any trauma, suffering or a deep agony, so keep tailing her hand.”
-Yash Thakur
May 06

May 6, 2020 – JOLT – No-Cost Quality Control… in Creative Times

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

“Endurance is patience concentrated.”
-Thomas Carlyle

Patience is a great quality to cultivate…

and, yet, as most qualities, only gets developed when it’s most not present.

You don’t bring anything into being that already exists…and you can’t bring something into existence without creating it from nothing.

These very interesting times are giving us a great opportunity for the creativity of patience and endurance, as well as many other qualities. And, this “gymnasium” can give us muscles and abilities that can last far beyond the immediate. That’s the ultimate “quality control.”

If you persist, even beyond where you have thus far, in thinking beyond any victimhood to this pandemic to, instead, exercising a (perhaps rarely used) muscle of creating [patience, endurance, opportunity-mindedness, compassion, self-care, connectedness, you name it], what could you walk away with in a few months time?

You’re in control of the qualities you cultivate in these times. What will you create in your quality control?

There you go: “contribution”…a quality we’re choosing to create more of in this pandemic gym.

In a recent drive-time interview with the CBS affiliate here in LA, KNX NewsRadio, I offered a sobering thought on the next generation of behavioral interview questions that will arise out of this pandemic: “What did you do during the pandemic, [Careerist]?”

Click here to Listen 

Need help in planning for your post-pandemic career, business or personal life? Schedule a session here. Crazy as it sounds, what if there’s actually forward movement possible for you out of all this? You likely won’t discern that on your own. I’m here to help you see what you don’t.

Got quality control?

“Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes.”
Apr 29

April 29, 2020 – JOLT – What Happens When Styx Meets Behavioral Interview Questions?

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

“Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing.”
-Miles Davis

A comedy from the 60’s was entitled…

“What Did You Do During the War, Daddy?” in which James Coburn and a cast of characters occupy an Italian village in WWII. It’s all about fun and revelry.

A good comedy is a healthy prescription for times like these, when we’re living through a unique war of it’s own kind…with it’s own inevitable, long-term repercussions.

In a recent drive-time interview with the CBS affiliate here in LA, KNX NewsRadio, I offered a sobering thought on the next generation of behavioral interview questions that will arise out of this pandemic: “What did you do during the pandemic, [Careerist]?”

Styx sang about “too much time on my hands” (HINT). To conserve your time, I’ll keep the copy short today so that you can enjoy the tips I offered…for both job seekers and business leaders.

Click here to Listen 

Need help in planning for your post-pandemic career, business or personal life? Schedule a session here. Crazy as it sounds, what if there’s actually forward movement possible for you out of all this? You likely won’t discern that on your own. I’m here to help you see what you don’t.

Got too much time on my hands?

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
-J.R.R. Tolkien
Apr 22

April 22, 2020 – JOLT – High Watching This Whole Thing Play Out

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

“You never know when today could be your breakthrough day & life changes forever!! Expect miracles!”

It requires little effort…

to consider that today will be simply an extension of yesterday.

In challenging times for sure, when everyone is hypnotized by the same group reality, staying out of the agreed-upon muck requires extraordinary, inner initiative.

Yes, there are a whole lot of very sad stories being played out right now, and each one deserves its rightful compassion and condolences.

Yet, if someone isn’t minding to keep the ship afloat mentally, emotionally, and/or spiritually, we all go down together.

There’s got to be those holding the high-watch for some light in this.

Though we each have a version of our style being cramped by the world health situation, we need the strength of those who will lean toward the light and possibility of it all…and will keep focused on the prospects of a breakthrough.

Not just in a vaccine. Not just in folks getting back to work. But a breakthrough in humanity.

Just as we’ve been told to wear a face mask to protect others, as if we have the virus and don’t want to spread it, what if we each assume that we are either going to be spreading the “high-watch” of hope, possibility and togetherness…or the “low-watch” of chaos, fear and divisiveness.

That’s a good community-spread question to answer.

Some of us need to be watching for miracles…if only to balance out those who are stuck in the madness.

Will you assume the high-watch for a breakthrough today, in your own piece of the bigger picture?

If I can support the high-watch around your career, business or personal life, schedule a session here. If this whole situation has been done for you and not to you, what might be the blessings out of it? Let’s investigate together.

Got high watchfulness?

“Our vibration in any given moment gives rise to our experience, and affects those close to us and ultimately the entire world.”
-Sherry Woodcock

Apr 15

April 15, 2020 – JOLT – Must Read Tips for COPING! (Not What You Think)

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt

The current global situation…

has afforded all of us way more “alone” time than we’ve most likely every experienced.

Even if we are blessed to be in a pod of close family, for the most part, we’ve never had to stay so distanced from one another.

Obviously, that’s been a challenge given the way life used to be only a few short weeks ago…and many of us are coping differently.

Whether it’s way more Netflix, social media, trips to the fridge, or even staying overwhelmingly “lockdown busy” than before, we’re all self-medicating in our own ways to stay sane.

Being guilty of the latter tactic, I recently realized that it would be a truly missed opportunity to have this (hopefully) once-in-a-lifetime global freeze of activity come and go without me getting the full personal transformation available from it.

In some zoom weekly group chats (posted below), we’ve been pondering the question “What if this has all happened for us versus to us? What’s the blessing to be experienced?”

In these zoom discussions, we’ve noted the greater technological faculties that we’ve all gained (e.g., becoming zoom experts overnight), the increased amount of quality time with family, and perhaps the opportunity for personal growth and expansion that we now have time for (which we usually don’t).

If you haven’t reaped the “blessings” out of this situation yet, I encourage you to make time to look deeper to find yours. Like the story of Jacob in the book of Genesis, don’t let this “angel” get away without giving you a blessing.

Consider COPING as your Covid Ordered Personal Instigation of New Growth…whatever that growth may look like for you.

Is it taking the time to educate yourself on the path toward your dreams? You’ve got plenty of time and the world of the internet at your fingertips!

Is it finding ways to connect with the people you’ve always wanted to know and be known by?There are methods for connecting through research projects (see “Never Apply for a Job Again”) which can have you catch folks’ attention…and at a time when they have more time than usual to respond!

Is it taking more opportunities to simply be still and listen to your inner wisdom? You can carve out more time now for meditation and contemplation than ever!

God Bless Netflix, social media, the fridge and being busy, and yet have your COPING time be invested wisely for these next few weeks…so that you arise from this entombment with the blessings it was here to give you, personally.

We’re not experts on everything, but we may know a thing or two about a thing or two that could help you.

(PSST: If you want to also join our other Back Forty community for a more finding-the-blessings-in-this meeting beforehand, register here:

Darrell W. Gurney, PCC, RScP
• Professionally Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
• 30-year career and business coach, seminar leader, author, speaker, and licensed spiritual counselor
• Founder of CareerGuy.com, TheBackForty.com and DreamJobLife.com
• Author of “Headhunters Revealed! Career Secrets for Choosing and Using Professional Recruiters”, winner of the Clarion Award for Best Book; the Amazon Bestseller “Never Apply for a Job Again: Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest;” and the upcoming game-changer “The Back Forty: The Ride of Your Life. 7 Essential Embraces for Life’s Radical Second Half”
• Certified Personnel Consultant (CPC), Certified Job & Career Transition Coach (JCTC), Certified Career Management Coach (CCMC), Licensed Spiritual Counselor (RScP)
More about him at https://www.linkedin.com/in/careerguy

Alexandra I. Levin, PCC, MBA, SPHR
• Professionally Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
• 30-year professional Human Resources executive (SPHR Certified), organizational and leadership facilitator, training and development expert, and executive/business coach
• MBA and founder of ConsciousOrg
• Author of The Back Forty IMBUE Journal
• Co-Founder of The Back Forty INFUSE Program
More about her at https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandrailevin

Need some personal support in COPING in career, business or personal life? Schedule a session here for support in turning this whole thing into a personal angel visit into your life.

Got COPING mechanisms?

“Out of destruction…comes new growth.”
-Nova Reed
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