Darrell Gurney, Author at CareerGuy.com

All Posts by Darrell Gurney

About the Author

DARRELL W. GURNEY, Executive/ Career Coach and 20-year recruiting veteran, supports people at all levels to make fulfilling and profitable career transitions. His first book, Headhunters Revealed! Career Secrets for Choosing and Using Professional Recruiters, was winner of the Clarion Award for Best Book by the Association for Women in Communications and was reviewed in Publishers Weekly. His newest book, Never Apply for a Job Again: Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest, has been endorsed by bestselling thought leaders such as Harvey Mackay, Keith Ferrazzi, and Dr. Ivan Misner. A personal and business brand strategist, Darrell’s Stealth Method of networking has helped folks expand their reach within both careers and new client circles. He speaks, leads workshops, and is a media expert on subjects such as recruiting, networking, and finding one’s passion. He was recently named Networking Expert for BeyondB-School.com and offers webinars and programs that get MBA students and working professionals out, connected, and landed.

May 01

May 1, 2024 – JOLT – Summer Career Myth Busting

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

Busting the Slow Summer Career Transitions Myth

If you manage your worklife like everyone else, summer is a bad time to think about career expansion. But who ever got anything or anywhere special by doing things like everyone else?

The traditional, front-door career transition mindset (e.g., looking for openings, applying for jobs) has lots of professionals poo-poo the holidays or summertime as inconsequential for one’s career.

Most figure that those times are bad for gaining the attention or championing of others because, hey, everyone’s in their slow-down time. The last thing you want to do is bother people in their time off, right?

What too few professionals realize is that you can make a much better and lasting impression when you connect with folks outside of the traditional front-door approaches and calendar periods.

Consider this: you never know who is sitting right beside you sunning on the beach in their swimsuit; or who’s in front of you in line at the theme park; or who’s doing a crossword puzzle in the seat beside you at the terminal gate.

In my book, Never Apply for a Job Again: Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest, I point out several rules that we want to break to free us up for connecting with others.

Two of those rules are “Don’t speak until spoken to” and “Don’t bother people.” These are just a couple of the many ingrained, subconscious rules we live by that keep us in our own private Idaho.

Am I saying that becoming a Chatty Cathy with everyone all summer long will land you in a dream job? Not necessarily. But, as I say in the book:

“Just keep in mind that when we’re out pointedly finding ways to interact with others, we discover resources, knowledge, and information that moves everyone forward. Plus, we have an opportunity to be continually amazed at the profound truth of the simple statement: ‘It’s a small world after all.'”

That goes for career AND life.

You definitely don’t want to become a walking megaphone for wanting to make a career change, just like you wouldn’t want to be overtly broadcasting that you are looking for a mate.

As I described last month, any form of neediness works in career transition the same way it does in the dating world: not good.

But connecting, interacting with and discovering the lives of those around you can bring unexpected, unforeseen and inexplicable benefits.

A question to ponder this summer: What if you’re only 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon* away from the most unimaginable career redirection in your life. . .if you only play the game and connect?

So, your AI (Aspiration Intelligence) enhanced mission, should you choose to accept it, is to play this summer for bringing home the Bacon in terms of career- and life-enhancing connections by simply tapping into the world around you.

Think differently, play better.



CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier

*The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game is based upon the concept of six degrees of separation. This concept states that any two people on earth can be linked together through six or less acquaintances. For the Kevin Bacon game, the challenge is to find the shortest path possible between Kevin Bacon and another actor.

Mar 20

March 20, 2024 – JOLT – One Daily Habit for an Ocean of Possibilities

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

How will you touch the ocean?

Recently, I was “sharing” (spiritual euphemism for complaining) with a friend that I have so many plates spinning and projects projecting that I don’t get up from my desk much of the day.

I continued to share how unfortunate that is because the expansive beach can be seen right from my office window in all of its sandy blue glory.

Hey, it’s great to have many things, big and small, to put my attention on, yet this whole “quality of life” bird is always chirping on my shoulder that it wants to be fed.


All the difference making in the world vs. Basic enjoyment of daily life


All the money in the world vs. Happy, joyous and free creativity


Getting shit done vs. Having fun!


I know it’s not a personal dilemma. And yet these are questions only I can answer very personally from my own unique speck of identifiable sand along the beachfront of humanity.

My friend suggested, “Why don’t you simply make a habit of touching the ocean every day?”

Can you identify with that as one of those quick quips of seeming little importance that we throw out to each other as humans? At first I did, and laughed it off.

But then I rethought: “Hey, without any extensive navel pondering or deep existential or ontological surgery on myself, what if I simply did that??”

The simple act of doing that on a daily basis would likely begin to shift the entire underlying values system I’m currently under the administration of!

I’ve heard that we can’t THINK ourselves into right ACTING, but we can ACT ourselves into right THINKING.

So, guess what I’m up to these days. . .for at least the 10 minutes it takes to cross the street, walk down the steps and stroll 40 yards of sand to the water?

What’s your version of touching the ocean?

Your AI (Aspiration Intelligence) enhanced mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find your own way to touch the ocean of your happy, joyous and free existence on a daily basis.

Think differently, play better.



CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier

Mar 20

March 20, 2024 – JOLT – Top Notch Dating Advice. . .From Your CareerGuy

By Darrell Gurney | Blog


Job Dating

I’ve used the metaphor for years that job search is like dating, and that neediness and desperation works well in neither.

Yet knowing and doing are two different things!

As soon as it’s time for a career shift — in most cases never proactively planned but, rather, a knee-jerk reaction to some outside event (layoff, merger, etc) — the primal tendency is to begin wearing lack, need and even worthiness issues on our shirt sleeves.

Like the dating quote above says, you don’t choose the best people when in a needy state. You also don’t choose the best organizations or roles when you’re desperate for a job.

“But, Darrell, what if I really DO need a job, and right now?”

My advice is that the best way to get a job is to not be looking for one!

“But, Darrell, what if I really DO need a job, and right now? How do I not look for one?”

Hello???? My advice isn’t going to change!

So, you’re either going to find a way to manage your mind and disposition so as to NOT show up as a desperate and needy job seeker or you’ll just go the standard and well-worn path of bad dating: usually ending in lower self-esteem, decreased joy and even heartache.

“But Darrell, what if I really DO need a job, and right now? How do I manage my mind?”

Good question! You’ve now gotten to the core of it!

The answer is simple and can be easily learned: focus on Research and Human Connection.

When you are truly out for Research, you avoid the traps of neediness while building the best skill one can have these days: the skill of Human Connection.

1. When you’re not needy, you’ll meet more people because people avoid situations where someone may need what they can’t give.

2. When you’re researching to gain info around things that truly fascinate you, you’re imbued with an infectious and energizing energy.

3. When you tap into humans for the sake of being human together (vs. “corporate” or “formally professional”), you build relationship equity that can pay off for both you and them for years to come.

So, your AI (Aspiration Intelligence) enhanced mission, should you choose to accept it, is to develop your mastery of Human Connection for the ROI it will have on your career.

Think differently, play better.



CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier


Feb 07

Feb 7, 2024 – JOLT – Suggestion vs Resolution – A 2024 Restart

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

“I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me.”

– Anaïs Nin

An Ounce of Suggestion is Worth a Pound of Resolution

OK, ok, I hear what you’re thinking: “Darrell, you’re still talking about the New Year when it’s February 7th??”

Uh. . .yaaaaaaaah! Because by now the “resolved” demands you’ve made upon yourself may have started to reveal the weakness of domination and rigid control.

Look, none of us in our “mature” years respond very well anymore to guilting, shaming or unsympathetic demands being made upon us. And that goes for those being made upon us by us.

Rather than achieve progress, if the proposed changes are too rigid, our inner child may rebel and maybe even go the opposite direction of what our mature self wants.

By this age we know that much of our life is not directed by conscious thought but, rather, the subconcious. And the subconscious — whoo boy! — play carelessly with that fire and it will seemingly burn you just to keep you safe.

Suggestions land softer on the subconscious and respect one’s inner sovereignty with the desire to grow without the firm rigidity of resolutions.

So, if your resolutions have run their course already (as studies show they will by now) without winning the race for you, I suggest that you manage the rest of the year by inviting and entertaining suggestions.

You can find lots of lists out there or make up your own. Considering various ideas and then implementing the ones that resonate for you as a part of your daily/monthly/quarterly practice can have 2024 be an ongoing growth-producing experiment rather than a one-and-done resolution run.

For example, here’s a few iterms from a list I ran across a couple weeks ago which I’m taking as suggestions to have 2024 be uniquely grounded. They come from a therapist host of a favorite radio show, Life Examined by Jonathan Bastian:

1. Create “stop-doing” lists and begin subtracting items from, rather than adding items to, my never-ending growth aspirations. I can find at least a few things to drop that no longer serve me.
2. Create three-person book or listening groups. I actually did this a couple of years ago when The Back Forty first came out: only 3 people. I agree that there’s an intimacy available with a small group that can get dropped when groups becomes less personal and accountable. If you’d like to hear about the reading group coming this spring that will dive into the now award-winning The Back Forty book, let me know.
3. Take a digital sabbath each week. This one will require a LOT of mindfulness on my part! But, then again, that’s the point.
4. Stop asking “What if?” and instead ask “What now?” This is so aligned with the message of The Back Forty that I wish I had coined that phrase! My own growth continues to be in dropping the woulda/coulda/shouldas that still emerge in a past-addicted mind and focusing on what I can experiment with now!
5. Live the 80/20 rule in pursuit of my goals, which is what inspired my message above. Slow and steady support of my goals by consistent and extended daily suggestions rather than only immediate and intense drive will have me grow beyond the hot and passionate moment of “resolution.”

(Read the full article by KCRW’s Jonathan Bastian here.)

I suggest you reconsider a good and sober grasp of your amazing opportunities for 2024 growth ahead.

Think differently, play better.


CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier

“Don’t let the New Year get old.”

– Anthony T. Hincks
Jan 17

Jan 17, 2024 – JOLT – Your Million Dollar Soft Skill for 2024

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

“In a high-IQ job pool, soft skills like discipline, drive and empathy mark those who emerge as outstanding.”

Daniel Goleman

The Million Dollar Soft Skill That Trumps AI

Anyone who has ever studied effectiveness in life realizes that it’s not simply the DOING of the tasks but it’s the BEING that underlies and contextualizes the DOING of the tasks.

And one of the soft skills at the heart of effectiveness in life, career, relationships, etc. is the element of Human Connection.

Understanding the capacity of the soft skill of Human Connection to right wrongs, turn hearts and minds, and build foundations of cooperation that endure lifetimes is something that many folks have still not pursued, even 30 years since Daniel Goleman wrote “Emotional Intelligence.”

Yet, when it comes to your career, it’s never been more important to gain this understanding.

Face it: Artificial Intelligence will soon be reviewing your resume, not humans.

Think of it: ATS systems have been around for years. Do you think it will be long before AI will completely determine who should be called for an interview, if not conducting the screening interview itself, if not even making the final hiring decision??

“Hi, this is the X [Company] recruiting bot, affectionately known as Hedda Hunter. Congratulations! You have been chosen from 133,692 resumes submitted to record a brief initial video interview. Please press the button below to answer the questions included in this email. Be sure your camera and audio are working properly as we do not allow retakes.
Note: Please do not respond or attempt to follow up. If I decide to pass you on to my supervising bot, Slim Pickens, you will be notified. Don’t bot us, we’ll bot you.”

The only way for you to ensure career growth along the paths that YOU determine — versus the typical take-what-you-get-of-what’s-available road — is to develop the soft skill of Human Connection because, hopefully, there will always be a human being at the top of that AI ladder.

For over twenty years, I’ve empowered executives to manage their own career through an alternative, “backdoor” approach. Your next multi-6-figure role can be enjoyably attained in this way while circumventing the whole front-door hassles of resumes, interviews and bot land.

This skill, like Bitcoin, will continue to grow in value as the technological world expands to eliminate the personal touch from the firm and iron hand of the Matrix.

But, if you learn it, you’re always assured of rising above the automation of the Matrix when it comes to driving your career dreams to reality.

Human Connection is aspirational intelligence, and you can learn it.

Think differently, play better.


CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier

“I really reject the idea of soft skills. There is nothing soft about them. We have hard skills and we have human skills. We need more human skills in business today.”

– Simon Sinek
Dec 07

Dec 7, 2023 – JOLT – 2024 Can be Different if You Look Differently

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

“Making progress on longstanding challenges requires a different lens and a new approach.”

Ayanna Pressley

Looking Differently

Let me acknowledge upfront the challenge I’ve personally experienced in putting out a newsletter over the last several months when there’s so much tragedy happening in the world. My heart goes out to everyone experiencing the heartbreaking impacts of these times. For those of us blessed enough to contribute through our careers to making the world a better place in our own unique way, perhaps those careers can support contributions to others in need wherever they may be.

The quote above, and “looking differently” applies not only to problems we face in the world today but also the problem of personal career evolvement, whether it be upleveling our roles or growing our business.

For those wanting to grow, looking for that next career move or business self-expression the same way everyone else does has you appear just like everyone else: an indistinct commodity.

In the job seeking world, it’s being just one in a pile of resumes. In the business development world, it’s just a smile-and-dial “me too!” effort. (Consider me too! Consider me too!)

In job seeking, we all grew up inside the resume/application/interview/I-need-them-more-than-they-need-me career model. Basically, we learned to “spray (our resume all over the place) and pray (that it gets noticed).”

This kind of activity is based on a false power-dynamic premise which holds that the company is in the catbird seat and the employee is in the place of need.

Maybe that was true when you first began your career, when you simply needed a bit of experience and to land a paycheck.

However, for more senior professionals and veteran executives, it’s important to graduate from that indistinct-commodity paradigm because your thought-leadership — and even “statesmanship” — can have you in the catbird seat. . .IF you look differently.

This goes for business building as well when you replace “smile and dial” with creating value-based relationships first.

What’s required for atypical career expansion is “a different lens and a new approach.”

Warren Buffett is a big proponent of taking a contrarian approach. He says to look and see what most others are doing and to do the opposite.

  • Most job seekers treat their resume like the Holy-Grail key to their job search
  • Most others are looking to see what positions are posted as available and applying to them.
  • Most others are using LinkedIn to see who they know in a company and asking them to float their resume over to hiring managers
  • Most others are trying to “network” while wearing on their sleeves (and LinkedIn profile) a badge of “Willing to work”, “Need to work” or “God help me, I need a job!”
  • And most business owners are out “networking” as well, to uncover needle-in-a-haystack openings to contribute

God bless everyone looking to land their next role or build their business.

Yet, a Buffett-esque approach to what most others are doing would have you, as the seasoned, stripes-earned, senior leader play the career-shift or business building game in a much cooler and demure way than how “most others” do.

That way is to turn the table on organizations in your areas of fascination and interest to become the belle of the ball, having them chasing you to get on your dance card versus the other way around.

The keys to that approach are:

  • Personal Branding
  • Thought Leadership
  • A Backdoor Approach to Career Expansion

As you begin to close out 2023, take stock of where you are now in terms of joyful career self-expression. If it’s anywhere short of fascinated and passionate, consider 2024 as an opportunity to “look differently” at both what’s possible for you as well as how you’ll go about finding a sweet-spot career change which is not only a perfect fit but you’re, literally, “the only one for the job.”

It’s called aspirational intelligence, and you can grow it.

Think differently, play better.


CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier

“It’s a new season. A perfect opportunity to do something new, something bold, something beautiful!”

– Anonymous
Aug 16

August 16, 2023 – JOLT – Is the fire in your belly for Fall?

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

” Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.”

– F. Scott Fitzgerald

Fire in the Fall Belly

Traditionally, there are a couple major times of the year when folks crank up their aspirational intelligence and think bigger for themselves, their career and a purposeful path forward:

  • September (Fall), when (I suppose) because kids go back to school parents are able to focus on themselves a bit more, and
  • January (Winter-cum-Spring), when New Years resolutions and the ritual of clean-slate possibilities give everyone a boost to aspire greater for themselves

Yes, there will be a lot more activity — and competition — in the coming month or so as folks get situated back at their desk to reevaluate their career situation after summer distractions. Being smarter than the average bear and positioning yourself as uniquely different than the crowd can net you better than average results.

But, even beyond the next couple flurried months of upleveled career quandaries, there will come a time toward the end of the year that will truly be the celestial “Holy Grail” of cosmic career elevation possibilities: the Holidays.

When most will figure that “nothing happens during the holidays” and check out, those who’ve positioned themselves uniquely for all the natural elbow-rubbing that happens during the 6 weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years will cash in on backdoor relationships that will be ripe for the pickings.

So, why talk about those career-shift best-of-times now vs November? Because it takes preparation to be ready to capitalize on such a windfall, along with a whole new mindset of non-traditional career expansion methods to be grokked.

Therefore, if you have the fire-in-the-belly to affect a conscious career shift before 2023 shows up in your rear-view mirror, here is your Fall mission (should you choose to accept it):

  • Get clear of your unique super-powers of success. Not simply your “skills”, but the patterns that are embedded in every successful situation you’ve touched.
  • Use that success-pattern awareness to discover the unique personal “brand” that you are. This sets you up as someone needing nothing, yet vibrating an awareness of Self that most never realize.
  • Flying the flag of that personal brand, learn how to expand your relationships into circles around your areas of current passionate interest. This isn’t what most call “networking” but, rather, coming from no need but the simple desire to explore. People sense an authentic desire of exploration, and open the doors they wouldn’t when someone needs a job.

A couple helpful resources with which to begin wrapping up your summer reading, to be prepared for your fire-in-the-belly Fall, are Never Apply for a Job Again: Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest, and The Back Forty: 7 Essential Embraces to Launch Life’s Radical Second Half (especially Chapters 3 and 4, Your Gifts and Your Values).

If your aspirational intelligence is telling you it’s time to explore your greater-yet-to-be, may this Fall provide a windfall of opportunities for you to do so.

Tips for Transition (of an AI variety)

For the last couple of newsletters, with all of the hubbub around AI (the artificial, not aspiration, type of intelligence), my talent & leadership/HR executive wife has been offering some tips on how you can incorporate new AI gadgets into your career management toolshed.

After being together 8 years and professionally engaged, without the time to explore the science and practices of her career-coach husband’s transition program, she recently completed my program and based her “backdoor research campaign” on AI’s use in the HR and talent fields.

She’s using that research to meet thought-leaders and executives left and right while learning more about AI than she ever thought possible. . .while creating a new career tribe in line with her current interests and passions.

Here’s another couple tips she has to offer:

Here’s a prompt that you can use to direct ChatGPT (or similar models) to provide information about a particular industry:

“Provide a comprehensive introduction to [specific industry name]. Cover its history, major players, current trends, future outlook, and any notable challenges and opportunities.”

Replace “[specific industry name]” with the name of the industry you’re interested in. For example, if you’re interested in the automobile industry, the prompt would be:

“Provide a comprehensive introduction to the automobile industry. Cover its history, major players, current trends, future outlook, and any notable challenges and opportunities.”

By using this prompt, you’ll be able to gain a broad understanding of the chosen industry.

Here’s a tool to incorporate into your online meetings:

tl:dv – https://tldv.io/ – Records and transcribes Zoom and Google meet meetings.

Automated meeting transcription ensures that no crucial details are lost, allowing you to revisit important discussions to access and review content at your own pace. It transforms verbal exchanges into searchable text, making it easier to locate specific topics or decisions. This ensures that information remains consistent and accessible, fostering improved communication and reducing potential misunderstandings or oversights.

Go try them out, and see what you get!

Think differently, play better.


CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier

“It’s a new season. A perfect opportunity to do something new, something bold, something beautiful!”

– Anonymous
Jul 12

July 12, 2023 – JOLT – A JOLT of Summertime Connection Savvy

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

“I like chance meetings – life is full of them. Every day, without realizing it, I pass people whom I should know.”

– Krzysztof Kieślowski

Summertime Aspiration Intelligence

Many folks consider summertime and the end-of-the-year holidays a career dead-time, meaning they don’t plan on making any significant inroads on upgrading their work or business situation. They figure everyone is out playing with their mind on other things.

If you’re on my newsletter list, you’re not one of those who believe that! Congratulate yourself.

Because, if you know anything about my philosophy of lifetime career management and the “backdoor” approach to career elevation, you know that these times are the BEST! Connecting with people in the casualness and ease of playtime and joviality can create miracles in life.

You never know who is standing or sitting right beside you: in the beach chair, in the theme park concession line, or in your coach or business class row on the plane.

In Chapter 1 of Never Apply for a Job Again: Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest, I offer some “Rules to Start Breaking.” Here’s a rule to break that applies so abundantly now (and during the holidays) when you’re rubbing elbows with way more people than at any other time of the year.

Don’t Bother People
This is a major voice of early programming that ensures that “salespeople” will always have a special place in society–because they transcended this voice! Whether it was a busy parent we felt intimidated to make requests of or some particular incident that had us believe we were a nuisance, the idea that we shouldn’t bother others took hold.
The truth is that, outside of our deeply ingrained fears of rejection, we all love to interact and participate with one another! The point, yet again, is that folks live inside their safe little worlds and don’t reach out or let in what could help. Your “bothering” someone to start a conversation with them in the line at the grocery store may serve to transfer some information between you that could be helpful.

I’m not saying go out begging for what you need, or become the do-or-die Boy Scout forcing a reluctant old lady across the street. Just keep in mind that when we’re out pointedly finding ways to interact with others, we discover resources, knowledge, and information that moves everyone forward. Plus, we have an opportunity to be continually amazed at the profound truth of the simple statement: “It’s a small world after all.”
(Excerpted from Never Apply for a Job Again, Career Press, 2012, p. 34-35)

So, if you’re anywhere near a theme park and have that song pounding in your head, take it in: it IS a small world, after all. You’ll be blown away when you take the little effort to simply say hello to the person beside you.

They might just happen to be a CEO or thought-leader in an area who could open doors for you. . .or your next business partner. . .or your next life partner. . .or, who knows, maybe they just know where to find the best pizza!

Tips for Transition (of an AI variety)

Beginning in the last newsletter, with all of the hubbub around AI (the artificial, not aspiration, type of intelligence), here are some tips on how you can incorporate new gadgets into your career management toolshed.

They come from my wife, a talent & leadership/HR executive, who is cultivating new opportunities for herself. After being together 8 years, being professionally engaged and without the time to explore the science and practices of her career-coach husband’s transition program, she recently did and (understandable for those who’ve read Never Apply) is basing her “backdoor” research campaign on AI’s use in the HR and talent fields.

She’s meeting thought-leaders and executives left and right and learning more about AI than she ever thought possible. . .while also understanding and appreciating the strategy behind her husband’s career program. 😉

Here are some further tips she has to offer:

ChatGPT is a great tool to use in your Back Door Campaign!

As part of your Career Transformation Program, before starting on your Backdoor Campaign, you will choose a subject for your research project. ChatGPT is a great tool to use for researching your subjects of interest, to ready yourself with conversations with thought-leaders and influencers prior to scheduling your Backdoor meetings.

In my own Backdoor Campaign, I was researching the use of AI in Human Resources and found ChatGPT to be very useful in preparing for those meetings. For example, ChatGPT:

  • Offers suggestions, explanations, and summaries on complex topics.
  • Helps explore different perspectives and ideas related to the subject.
  • Helps brainstorm and generate ideas for research topics or questions.
  • Offers a quick and efficient way to gather insights and information for analysis.

NOTE: always check the facts and data provided by ChatGPT.

Prompt Tutorial – get advice from the best experts in your area of research.

To begin your research, start with a general prompt asking ChatGPT to provide information.

For example, put this prompt into ChatGPT:

“Imagine you are an [insert subject you are researching] expert with 30 years of experience and awards for excellence and achievement. Please give your best advice on [insert subject you are researching], drawing on research and best practices. Write your advice as an article using plain English and subheads to make it more readable.”

The article you get in response can give you a great starting point for the main topics and areas of development for the area you’re investigating, including some of the key players to be aware of. Then, ask follow-up questions and explore in different ways for more insight. You’ll be well-prepared to have initial Backdoor meetings even in topics you knew nothing about initially!

AI Tool Highlight

Merlin AI
Chrome Extension
Get ChatGPT and GPT-4 to work for you on any website. Merlin AI is an incredible assistant that combines advanced technology with a vast knowledge base. It’s there to support you, learn from you, and make your life easier by providing accurate answers, automating tasks, and offering valuable data analysis and predictions. It also summarized websites for you

Go try it out, and see what you get!

Think differently, play better.


CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier

“Even chance meetings are the result of karma. . .Things in life are fated by our previous lives. That even in the smallest events there’s no such thing as coincidence.”

– Haruki Murakami
Jun 14

June 14, 2023 – JOLT – A JOLT of Aspiration Intelligence

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

“Our future success is directly proportional to our ability to understand, adopt and integrate new technology into our work.”

– Sukant Ratnaker

Career Aspiration Intelligence

Making a career transition can be a difficult process if you don’t have support.

Similarly, NOT making a career transition (when you need to) can be a difficult process if you don’t have support.

So, what’s the common key? Get support!

Too often, we think that pondering our navel in the solitude of our closet will provide the answers we need. Look, I don’t knock a good spiritual check in. The “know the truth” of yourself element of being set free is critical.

Yet, your best insights and next steps will often unfold out of interacting with folks outside of your own head: trusted colleagues, mentors, and (if you’ve cultivated one) your “career tribe.” Sometimes they’ll provide valuable info or direction completely outside your wheelhouse of knowledge and, at other times, they may offer the kick in the butt needed to wake you up.

Don’t wait to get your ducks in a row to begin cultivating connections that can open new awareness for you. But also don’t go out in “need.” Rather, tap into the psychological tendency for humans to want to give (advice, information, direction) and feel helpful when they can do so with no strings attached.

Reach out to others based on similar interests and fascinations, and watch the world open up for you.

One of my books offers a great deal of inspiration and strategy around this.

Tips for Transition (of an AI variety)

With all of the hubbub around AI (the artificial, not aspiration, type of intelligence), here are some tips on how you can incorporate new gadgets into your career management toolshed.

They come from my wife, a talent & leadership/HR executive, who is cultivating new opportunities for herself. After being together 8 years, being professionally engaged and without the time to explore the science and practices of her career-coach husband’s transition program, she recently did and (understandable for those who’ve read the book above) is basing her “backdoor” research campaign on AI’s use in the HR and talent fields.

She’s meeting thought-leaders and executives left and right and learning more about AI than she ever thought possible. . .while also understanding and appreciating the strategy behind her husband’s career program. 😉

Here are some tips she has to offer:

ChatGPT is a great tool to use in your Back Door Campaign!

Open AI ChatGPT: https://chat.openai.com/

Career Mapping:
Prompt: “Provide an overview of career paths and transitions common for a [role – i.e., CTO]”
ChatGPT can provide information on potential career moves, industry trends, and roles you might not have considered.

Market Insight:
Prompt: “What are emerging trends in the [x] industry for leadership roles?”
ChatGPT can give you a general view of market trends and new industry developments.

Prompt Tutorial – Find Industry Info

You are an expert in [field/industry you are researching]. I am looking for information about [industry/products / what you want to learn about the industry, etc.]. Give me information and resources on [manufacturers, conferences, events, and other resources, and substantial industry experts] in the [industry of interest] field.

Example – I used the above example about the guitar manufacturing industry:
You are an expert in guitar manufacturing. I am looking for information about the guitar manufacturing industry, product management, and the hottest new products in the guitar space. Give me information and resources on manufacturers, conferences, events, and other resources, and substantial industry experts in the guitar manufacturing field.

Go try it out, and see what you get!

Use these same prompts in Google Bard and Bing for more resources.
Google Bard: https://bard.google.com/
Bing: https://www.bing.com/

Think differently, play better.


CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier

“The human spirit must prevail over technology.”

– Albert Einstein
Mar 01

March 1, 2023 – JOLT – Personalizing Your March Forward

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

“Start marching forward, even when into the new and unknown, and don’t be deterred by obstacles.”

– Daphne Koller

Personalizing your March Forward

Here are some questions for (metaphorically) making the March observances personal to you:

March 2 Texas Independence Day: How can you rise from your own Alamo loss and create a new, independent future? And kiss a Texan.
March 7 Purim Ends: Where can you celebrate coming back from what seemed like near certain death? And kiss a Jewish friend.
March 8 International Women’s Day: In what ways can you acknowledge and empower the women in your life, and the world? And kiss a female friend.
March 10 Harriet Tubman Day: What can you do to support freedom from slavery of all kinds, even if it’s yourself from a job, schedule, business or relationship? And kiss a Black friend.
March 15 Ides of March: What are the debts you can settle, while avoiding knives out? And kiss a soothsayer.
March 17 St Patrick’s Day: What snakes do you deserve to be rid of? And kiss an Irish friend.
March 20 Spring Equinox: Where do you need to balance your days and nights, your work and your life overall? And kiss anyone.
March 22 Ramadan Begins: How could some fasting, prayer and reflection make you a better contribution to your community? And kiss a Muslim friend.
March 29 Vietnam War Veterans Day: What wars are you fighting that could actually be unnecessary? And kiss a veteran.
March 31 Cesar Chavez Day: Where might you need to press the exisiting system to ensure the highest good for all? And kiss a farm worker.
Some themes pop out for your personal March, yes?

  • Independence
  • Freedom
  • Cleaning up your internal and external environments
  • Making the effort to achieve balance within yourself and in the world
  • Kissing a lot of varied folks to create more unity!

May your March Forward be wildly freed up and full of new possibilities!

Think differently, play better.


CareerGuy and Back Forty Freedom Flier

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

– Walt Disney
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