Inventing Reasons to Change -

June 19, 2019 – JOLT – Inventing reasons to change

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

Jun 19
sign of road

“Every success story is a tale of constant adaptation, revision and change.” – Richard Branson

Change can definitely be said…

to be one of the most difficult challenges of life…right up there with moving, taxes and death.

The good news is that it’s possible — for everyone, in any situation, at any time.

The bad news is that it generally requires a big enough reason to make the choice to change, a heavy enough pound (or more) of flesh to be given if we don’t.

Often, it’s only after the flesh has been taken that the real cost of resistance to change is realized.

However, it’s possible to foment a crisis, when necessary, to make required changes.

The word “foment” means to instigate or foster, such as when one creates a rebellion.

Perhaps we don’t learn the art of making up crises until we’re forced to develop that ability…but it’s an important life skill to nurture.

So, just for the sake of a good workout — and for building a muscle you may not utilize as much as others — in what area of life could you foment a crisis for yourself today…to make an overdue and necessary change?

Throughout June, I’ll be offering discounts on certain career and life-enhancing online programs…so stay tuned. Grab today’s offer above to get a $30 discount on any career service, even some which are already at Summer Special rates. Use coupon code “$30OFF” for any service here.

Want a crisis supporter to help make a change? Schedule a complimentary 15min chat, or go here for a menu of many ways to make necessary shifts.

Got enough reason to change?

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” – Leo Tolstoy

About the Author

DARRELL W. GURNEY, Executive/ Career Coach and 20-year recruiting veteran, supports people at all levels to make fulfilling and profitable career transitions. His first book, Headhunters Revealed! Career Secrets for Choosing and Using Professional Recruiters, was winner of the Clarion Award for Best Book by the Association for Women in Communications and was reviewed in Publishers Weekly. His newest book, Never Apply for a Job Again: Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest, has been endorsed by bestselling thought leaders such as Harvey Mackay, Keith Ferrazzi, and Dr. Ivan Misner. A personal and business brand strategist, Darrell’s Stealth Method of networking has helped folks expand their reach within both careers and new client circles. He speaks, leads workshops, and is a media expert on subjects such as recruiting, networking, and finding one’s passion. He was recently named Networking Expert for and offers webinars and programs that get MBA students and working professionals out, connected, and landed.
