September 14, 2016, TGIW: Unhumping Hump Day…Your Yoda
By Darrell Gurney | Blog
“If you light a lamp for someone it will also brighten your own path.” –Buddhist Proverb
The quintessential mentor of all time might have been Yoda, the slight, dyslexic-speaking, unpretentious yet undeniably powerful guru from Star Wars.
Luke Skywalker and others never felt “wrong” around him…but his manner and simple words allowed them to perceive themselves and situations differently.
To enable our growth, we need supportive environments around career and life. It’s important to have, within those environments, those who, on the one hand, don’t buy into our stories about ourselves while, on the other hand, give us a graspable vision for ourselves beyond what we see.
Tough love methods are wonderful — and necessary at times — but graceful, quiet, yet pointed support can help the medicine go down even sweeter.
The problem is that, once we’ve been at our career, our business, our life for so long, we don’t think to reach out for help on that which is beyond us because “we should know by now” or some other fear of not looking good.
Yet, if we take on that we have not yet done what we came here to do in life, there is always the next level to get to.
Got your Yoda?
“There is no lack of knowledge out there…just a shortage of asking for help.” –Mark Carter