September 9, 2015, TGIW: Unhumping Hump Day...and Story Arc -

September 9, 2015, TGIW: Unhumping Hump Day…and Story Arc

By Darrell Gurney | Blog

Sep 09

“Plotting is difficult for me, and always has been. I do that before I actually start writing, but I always do characters, and the arc of the story, first… You can’t do anything without a story arc. Where is it going to begin, where will it end.” –Elizabeth George

I recently attended a wonderful reunion for a great group I was honored to be a part of in college…seeing folks I haven’t seen in 30 years or so.

Just like similar opportunities — be it high school or other reunions of groups we were once a part of — some of us go (which may require courage) and some of us don’t.

When we do, it’s fascinating to observe the story arc for the characters of our lives: their life paths, career directions, and general personal evolvement. You just can’t tell from where someone’s story began how it will eventually turn out.

Obviously, we can’t perceive the story arc of our own lives the way we can see it in others whom we still remember “the way they were.”

Yet, we all have our personal arc and plot unfolding all the time…and it pays to remind ourselves that we are writing it vs. observing it.

Just as in a good book or screenplay, anything is possible to the extent to which the author has us suspend our disbelief.

As we look back at our lives and careers, perhaps our biggest task is disbelieving some of the things we think it has taught us?

How can your story evolve if you, as the author of your arc, suspend disbelief?

Got arc?

“One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without [dis]belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.” –Joan of Arc (with addition)

About the Author

DARRELL W. GURNEY, Executive/ Career Coach and 20-year recruiting veteran, supports people at all levels to make fulfilling and profitable career transitions. His first book, Headhunters Revealed! Career Secrets for Choosing and Using Professional Recruiters, was winner of the Clarion Award for Best Book by the Association for Women in Communications and was reviewed in Publishers Weekly. His newest book, Never Apply for a Job Again: Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest, has been endorsed by bestselling thought leaders such as Harvey Mackay, Keith Ferrazzi, and Dr. Ivan Misner. A personal and business brand strategist, Darrell’s Stealth Method of networking has helped folks expand their reach within both careers and new client circles. He speaks, leads workshops, and is a media expert on subjects such as recruiting, networking, and finding one’s passion. He was recently named Networking Expert for and offers webinars and programs that get MBA students and working professionals out, connected, and landed.
